Every page and article has an introductory paragraph that looks like this. For pages, it should contain the headline again, in an emphasized style. So check out this cool style guide because this design is awesome.
This is a normal paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet ornare sem, quis ullamcorper erat. Sed mollis eu magna non volutpat. Aliquam risus neque, faucibus sed turpis quis, facilisis malesuada magna.
Instead of the introductory paragraph, pages and articles are also allowed to start with a blockquote citation, see below. There must be exactly one of these two options.
Proin semper lorem sit amet metus elementum, interdum dapibus turpis vestibulum. Vestibulum ornare diam a lorem tincidunt, ac mattis dui aliquet. Mauris interdum consectetur mauris in posuere. Morbi sed tincidunt dolor, non fermentum mi. Vivamus id sem eros. Proin euismod aliquam magna, id cursus tortor fringilla sed. Proin lacinia leo sagittis felis semper convallis. Proin sit amet ligula orci. Suspendisse ac ornare tortor, sit amet accumsan eros. Curabitur in facilisis nisl. Donec aliquet velit eros, sit amet lacinia felis condimentum ac.
Betitelung numero uno
Then we have emphasis and the other kind of emphasis, you see. A weaker kind of emphasis looks like this, okay?
When we use a fancy hyperlink it will always be strong-emphasized and also changes its hue to the theme’s accent color.
This is what a quotation looks like. I will extend it a bit so we can see how it crosses lines as it crosses our hearts as well.
This is a normal paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet ornare sem, quis ullamcorper erat. Sed mollis eu magna non volutpat. Aliquam risus neque, faucibus sed turpis quis, facilisis malesuada magna.
We can also try to use hyperlinks and the SUCH.CLUB logo in a blockquote.
This is a normal paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet ornare sem, quis ullamcorper erat. Sed mollis eu magna non volutpat. Aliquam risus neque, faucibus sed turpis quis, facilisis malesuada magna.
- List 1
- List 2
- List 3
This is a normal paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet ornare sem, quis ullamcorper erat. Sed mollis eu magna non volutpat. Aliquam risus neque, faucibus sed turpis quis, facilisis malesuada magna.
- Numbering A
- Numbering B
- Numbering C
Lovis In The Air
# ProjectA space for all my arrangements and music records.
Quads & Queers
# ProjectGermany’s upcoming first explicity queer-advocating steelband project.
The Catchy Cwtch.
# ProjectLet music return to what it should be: fun, social, danceable, and most importantly – bearing a message.
# ProjectA beautiful new view on the SUCH.CLUB activities? Or rather the square root of all evil? Decide for yourself!
July 2019
Home Improvement
# D.I.Y.To have the necessary space to store my Quad Pans, I had to get ~25cm more height below my bed. This was my first attempt at home improvement. It was really fun.
The Raised Bed
To have the necessary space to store my Quad Pans, I had to get ~25cm more height below my bed. This was my first attempt at home improvement. It was really fun.
The Quad Screen
With two more monitors in Aachen than when I left, I tried to put them to good use. But how to position them properly? Find out…
June 2019
Caught Between Two Times
# TravelTo have the necessary space to store my Quad Pans, I had to get ~25cm more height below my bed. This was my first attempt at home improvement. It was really fun.
Week 1: A Classic
To have the necessary space to store my Quad Pans, I had to get ~25cm more height below my bed. This was my first attempt at home improvement. It was really fun.
Week 2: The KIF is Real
With two more monitors in Aachen than when I left, I tried to put them to good use. But how to position them properly? Find out…
Week 3: 7 Days of PAN
To have the necessary space to store my Quad Pans, I had to get ~25cm more height below my bed. This was my first attempt at home improvement. It was really fun.
Week 4: Experiencing The Fusion
With two more monitors in Aachen than when I left, I tried to put them to good use. But how to position them properly? Find out…